শনিবার, ২৫ আগস্ট, ২০১২

Transformation ratio

                                                     Transformation ratio

Transformer primary voltage and secondary voltage ratio is transformation ratio. Is expressed by ratio a = Ep / Es
The symbol K to K = Es / Ep
Voltage transformer ratio
Transformer primary voltage and the voltage transformer secondary voltage ratio called. ratio a = Ep / Es are expressed.
The symbol K to K = Es / Ep
Transformer turn ratio
Transformer primary coil and secondary coil of the screw of the screw is ratio turn ratio. Turn ratio a = Np / Ns
The symbol K to K = Ns / Np

Transformer voltage is equal to ratio turn ratio and why?
Transformer can be seen e.m.f. Equation E = 4.44ƒNΦ
Primary voltage Ep and Np is the number of primary turn or screw
Ep = 4.44ƒNpΦ ................... (1)
The secondary voltage Es and Ns the number of secondary turn or screw
Es = 4.44ƒNsΦ ........................ (2)
Equation (1) and (2) divided by the -
Ep / Es = Np / Ns
Frequency is equal to the flux of each coil, and both have the same voltage and the voltage turn , turn ratio ratio and the same.
280 × 224 - ... to have a turns ratio of 2:3 rather than 0.667 or 100:150.

For example of mathematics
1. A 4600/230 V Transformer Secondary to the primary coil 36 of the screw of the screw and how?
that is,
 Ep = 4600 V
Es = 230 V
Ns = 36
Np =?

Ep / Es = Np / Ns
Np = Ep / Es × Ns
      = 4600/230 × 36
     = 720 turns.

2. A 25Hz 2400/230 Volt single phase voltage transformer 8V per piece to determine: -
1. The number of primary and secondary screw,
2. Maximum flux cores.
Answer: -
Reply: -
ƒ = 25Hz
Ep = 2400 V
Es = 230 V
E / turn = 8 V
Np =  ?
Ns =   ?
Φm =  ?
1. Np = 2400 / 8 = 300 turns
Ns = 230/8 = 29 turns
2. Ep = 4.44ƒNpΦ
Φ = Ep / 4.44ƒNp
 = 2400 / 4.44 × 25 × 300
= 72.07 m wab.

3. A 50KVA 440/110 Volt Transformer transformer has a primary coils turn 1000. The transformer Ip, Is and Ns to determine.
Answer: -
 that is,
Rating = 50 KVA
Ep = 440 V
Es = 110 V
Np = 1000 turn
Ip =?
Is =?
Ns =?
Ip = 50 × 1000 ÷ 440 = 113.64 A
Is = Ep ÷ Es × Ip
    = 440 ÷ 110 × 113.64 = 454.54 A
Ns = Es÷ Ep × Np
    = 110 ÷ 440 × 1000
    = 250 turns.

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